Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Loans, Credit and Another Mortgage

So many adverts, so much money on offer. And by money, i mean DEBT.

There are countless companies ou there offerring loans and mortgages to people, omre specifically those with low credit ratings, County Court Judgements, retirees, self-employed people and those that are black-listed.
Many say 'We can guarantee we can give you the loan/mortgage, car credit you need.'

I have one thing to say in return. These people have CCJ's, low credit histories or are black listed because FOR A REASON. They cannot afford to pay back loans they already have. The last thing they need is more bloody debt. So far only two of the many cmpanies with advertisements on the television actually warn you to say more debt may risk your home and you will be paying more money over a long period of time. These companies are making money from other peoples misfortune (most companies do) but they are also inviting people to risk their homes and livelihoods with even more debt.

the answer to solving debt you already have is not more debt. Period.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Flogging A Dead Horse

Charles Kennedy is pushing for the war in Iraq to be a key election issue. Still. But why i dont understand is why?? Yes, Tony made a mistake, he's paid for that mistake with all the grief he's gotten. I didn't agree with the war, if you can even call it a war, but I do agree with the outcome. Saddam Hussein has been deposed and the people of Iraq can experience true freedom of liberty. Alot of people have moved on and are now focussing on true election issues like education, health and economy. Charles Kennedy is calling for the general election to be a referendum on the Iraq War.

The General Election is about electing a government to run THIS country, their foreign affairs policy is the last thing on my list of concerns. I was going to vote Lib Dem, but they have alienated me and I now only support the in one area, No More Council Tax, and that is on a wobbly last leg.

This is very bad. This will be my first time voting. I am going to vote on the things that are most likely going to effect me, for example: hospitals: if i get ill, i dont want to get a HAI, education: i want kids in a few years and their are some things drastically wrong with the education systme in this country. Problem for Labour with this is that the morons in charge of education just dont have a clue! The economy is the strongest is been in decades, Labour have done well. Labour are for working class people, majority of the population in that case.

Unless born with a silver sppoon, majority of first time voters this year are going to be working class, open-minded and feeling very independent. I have a feeling that whatever the record for first time voter's taking place in a general election is, it is going to be broken.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

New Pope

Crap. New pope is a traditionalist conservative. Double crap. As a former catholic myself i was hoping a new, more liberal and open-minded pope would be elected so as to stop the catholic church from continuing to alienate it self and sentence people to death (HIV/AIDS sufferers cant use condoms for fear of provoking god's wrath). The main reason why non-believers such as myself have a hard time getting along with the views of catholics on such things as abortion, contraception etc, is that they are too stiff, they arent flexible enough to survive in today's modern society. Catholics are berating others for saying he is a conservative, retorting that he is only obeying the original teachiongs of the catholic faith, teachings that werew written by some bloke thousands of years ago. They are not relevant in today's society. Also, more often than not Christianity, not just catholics but christianity as a whole, is straying into the world of politics. Religion has no place in politics.

If it wasnt for religion, christianity especially due to its annoying prevolence in the western world, I believe we would have a cure for Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimers Syndrome by way to stem cell research and other such things. I know i've made my views known about this issue in other posts, but there is no harm in reinforcing my point

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


2 things have happened again.

Another annoying advert. The Chicago town advert in Humdrum. Makes me want to pull my hair out. i hate it so much and it gets stuck in my head. Arrrgh!!

Secondly, i predicted the episode of the Simpsons again. Really creeped me out AGAIN.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Three Party Options

Three Party System for May 5th Elections.

Conservatives: Are you thinking what were thinking?
Yes, i think you're screwed too.

Labour: Forward, not Back.
Standing still more like.

Liberal Democrats: The REAL Alternative
As opposed to who? None Of The Above?

(more about these later, i wanna eat my dinner)

Over for Rover

Its been confirmed. Its finally over for Rover. I wish everyone who has been affected by this closure the best of luck in the future.

One good point, no more Rover cars, they were really crap. Broke down loads.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

G-Mail Invites

I have some gmail invites, anbody want one? just leave your email and reason why you should get on, and maybe you will

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Politics Pt.2

2. Home Affairs.

They argue so goddamned much nothing ever gets done.

2a. Immigration. If you wanna come to this country, apply in your own and if we say no, accept it. Presently if we say no that means 'turn up anyway and we will give you benefits and access to our NATIONAL (not european/international) Health Service. Our present government hasnt got the balls to do what it should, and that is kick the bastards out who have had their claims rejected!! Valid asylum seekers i have no problem with, its the gits wanting a free ride whom i detest.

2b. Education. All these prats in government have no idea what the education system is like, it been about 30 years since they were in education so with the amount things have changed they just have no idea whatsoever. I am the product of the current education system and i turned out fine. Probably better off than those numpty politicians did when they left school.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Midday Drinking

It feels very strange to be drinking at 1pm whilst not in the pub. I wanted a drink, no Dooley's left so I had some Midori, now I feel quite drunk after a couple of strong glasses. Meh.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Annoying Adverts are the Most Effective

I hate them eSure adverts. They are so bloody annoying. Its a brilliant idea of the company. Think about it. The horrendous one with the squeking computer mouse, it makes me cringe. So as it is extremely annoying i am more likely to mention it in conversation. It will be negative but it is still advertising. Whom ever i speak to about it will now pay more attention when to advert comes on, become frustrated about it themselves and so the madness spreads.....


Prescient Vision

I have a problem i would like a new perspective on.

For a few years i have believed i have some kind of prescient vision. I dont believe i can see into the future or anything, its just certain things happen that creep me out. I will use The Simpsons as my example of what has happened a few times, most recently today, about 20 mins ago.

This morning whilst walking home from town i thought of a specific part of a Simpsons halloween episode sketch, The Homega Man, the one where France nukes Springfield. I thought of the part where Lisa says 'the many layers of lead paint in this house made the perfect bomb shelter!'.
Then i didnt think any more of it. I sit down to watch tv, turn it on and the Simpsons is on, and guess which episode? The halloween special with 'The Homega Man'. Creeped me out. And this has happened quite a few times over the past few years and with other things.

What do you think?


I am a bit disappointed, i didnt win anything on the Grand National or Euromillions lastnight. Will just have keep my fingers crossed for the lottery tonight.

Friday, April 08, 2005

One More Night

Or four.

so the pope has been buried. The Italian tourist industry just made billions.

I thought of loads of stuff to write about last night but I couldn't be arsed to boot up my laptop, now I've forgotten it all. Ah well. I just get to work now, lovely lovely work. More on that subject later.

I noticed only one person, Howard from Geronimo (look on the blog roll, I cant use html tag links yet), has left a comment and I hope what he said is true, that I do have readers but no-one comments. Could someone else please post a comment to cheer me up? Thank you.

also, I'm gonna do more driving lessons soon, last time I scared the hell out of my instructor and he wasn't very keen to continue. Bollocks

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Why is it that when some people drive, when it comes to turn a corner, they either indicate late or dont indicate at all, then give me evil looks when i scream at them 'USE YOUR FUCKING INDICATORS!!! THATS WHAT THEY ARE THERE FOR!!'. Unfortunately, no-one has stopped to argue with me so i can scream some more. I've lost count of the amount of times ive nearly been run over by these morons. Idicators are there for a reason, use them. I dont drive properly yet, however i have had quite a few lessons and it is a very imortant issue that you know how to use your indicators. Now, the people that dont use them i assume, are aware of how to use their indicators, so in essence they just choose not to, which leads me to believe they are intentially trying to run me over. Bastards.

MMMMM Beer.....

MMMMM Beer.....

first try at picto moblogging with flickr, didnt go very well as ive had to edit it once im back online. its a bit if a pain really, im sure i will sort it out soon enough.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Blogrolling Update

look over on the right, my blogroll is working. another fine example of how from doing nothing can arise a solution to a problem.

Rest In Peace Pope John Paul II

i arrived home last night to learn the Pope John Paul II haspassed away, aged 84. as i have said before i am not a religious person, however this Pope did alot to help those less fortunate than some of us, and for that he has my respect andadmiration.

Friday, April 01, 2005


And from the moblie!


Yay!! i finally got this moblogging thing working!!