Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Dusk til Dawn

My favourite times of day are just before dawn and just after dusk. I love the atmosphere that accompanies these times and I could quite happily sit there all day/night just to experience the next one. No two are ever the same. The smells, the noice, the feeling, I just find them so natural and relaxing. My favorourites are in the autumn with the multiple array of colours on the horizon. Just amazing.

Oh my god I sound like a fruitcake.

*slap round face*

Bollocks. Thats more like it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


My podcasting idea has gone out of the window. And i've just bought a bloody microphone, ah well, only a fiver. All the programs to record the podcasts cost and I rarely pay for anything that I can get for free elsewhere. So I give up for now, try again in a few months. Bollocks.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Podcasting, Podcasting and Podcasting. That's pretty much all I have heard recently. I'm not going to sell out on written word as that is now and always will be the primary. It's just something I've fancied having a dabble in. I've just bought a new microphone on eBay, a little dubious about it as is one of them 'Ship Ftom Hong Kong' things. If I lose it it's only a fiver. I am in the process of looking for free software and hosting as I am a cheapskate. Only Joking. Ha Ha Ha. Meh.

I've always wanted to be a radio 'DeeJay' and this is my shot at it in my own little world.

I dont know if I have any readers, well, I know I have 2, Bill Sticker of Walking the Streets* and Lennie Briscoe of The Special Constable's Blog*, but if anyone has any thoughts on this please leave a comment as feedback always good. All feedback is constructive criticism.

*(P.S. Thank's guys, seriously)

Monday, August 08, 2005

Warning: Rant Alert, Foul Language To Follow

I fucking hate Morrisons. Hate them, hate them, HATE THEM. My fiancee works for them. They mistreat their staff to no ends and have no qualms about it. Perhaps its just this particular store, which I will not name, or it may well be the entire company but fucking hate them. I have lost count of the times my fiancee has come home in tears, stressed enough to want to pull her own hair out. Today was one of theirs. Thankfully she has recently discovered the calming effects of marijuana so she is ok now. However, the damage ceated by these bastards has been done. When she started there she was brimming with confidence, could happily apply for any job she could. Now, however, her confidence has been worn down by the constant remarks and condensending attitude of her superiors. Now, when she is looking for another job, she is just too scared about the interviews and has a very negative attitude. They have turned my loving partner into someone whom she did not used to be. And for that I hate them anymore.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


In a statement issued last night the London magistrate who calls himself Bystander on his widely-acclaimed blog announced an indefinite moratorium on use of any simile involving radar. Suicide bombers 'were not on our radar' or something 'disappeared from the radar' - tired old clichés, all of them. Every newspaper uses the R word several times a day, and it must stop. Now.

The Guilt Trap

I feel guilty. I havent posted in ages and now i feel guilty. I feel as thought I am witholding my wisdom from the world and hence they cannot benefit from my thoughts.
I havent posted because there has been nothing of coincidence to blog about. However, there are some current events on which I wish to comment:

Hiroshima - 60 Years On: It was a tragedy that some many people lost their lives, however, many people feel it was a necessary act at the time, just abit, well, alot, over the top. I feel a threat of a nuclear attack would have been enough to stall the war in the Pacific. As echoed by many of my fellow bloggers, This can never be allowed to happen again. EVER.

Iran's Nuclear Programme: So Iran are starting up their uranium enrichment program again with the purpose of using the final product to power their civilian nuclear power station. Let them. Well need all the help we can to reduce the usage of fossil fuels in the current age and this will help. Iran as an Islamic state in the current political climate will never agree to receive the fuel directly from the US/EU. I feel the threat from Iran with their new nuclear capability is minimal. Also, with the West's security poeratives everywhere it will become common knowledge if they sell the fissionable material inherant in the construction of a nuclear bomb and that will cause LOADS of shit. Just not worth the hassle. Alot of people feel there is a threat to Israel if Iran has nuclear capability. They already have nuclear weapons, so again the M.A.D. threat comes into effect. And plus, Israel should just stop bombing every muslim they can find.

iTunes UK Domain-name legal battle: Let it go mate, it aint yours anymore. You should now by now that the small people never win against big business. They can pay much higher bribes than us. (No implication that Apple or the justice system of Great Britain use bribes in a corruption of justice.) Cough.

Thats all for now. Maybe more later. Meh.