Sunday, May 29, 2005

Always Watching...

And so its that time of year again. The 'TV for the Masses' production company are once again infiltrating our screens and influencing our lives. That can mean only one thing. Big Brother. Oh what a joyous occaision for all. I am not a fan of the most recent Big Brother sequels, however I have watched a portion of this year's attempt at entertaining reality tv and it has been quite good. Also one part of it is very personal to me but i cannot reveal said information without revealing details about myself I would like to keep schtum.

Also, sorry for the break in posting. I would give some crap excuse like my net was down or something buit i wont. I just couldnt be arsed.

Thursday, May 12, 2005


I felt like a right tit today. I got up at 5am, thats right, 5 AM!! to get to work in time for a 6am start. 10 hour shift today due to overtime. I get to work and discover I am 2 hours too early for my shift, I got mixed up. I live too far from work to go back to bed. So there I am, sat in the canteen lacking 2 hours of sleep for no absolutely no reason whatsoever. I am now officially knackered. Bollocks.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Sticking Around

So Labour are back for another term. I like to think my vote made a difference. Pfft.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Democratic Process

Today I took part for the first time in electing a government through a democratic process. Basically, I voted for the first time today and I dont feel much different, not until the leader is announced in the wee hours at least. Oh how I cannot wait. Meh.