Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Pope

So i see the Pope is back in hospital. He cant have long left can he? He has lived longer than most people have aimed for, he should just rest in peace, he is a human being after all.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Politics Pt.2

I fucking hate gypo's. Lay-abouts who cannot be arsed doing a decent job, would rather just mope about and live off everyone else. Bastards. I hate false asylum seekers aswell. If they want to move here apply in THEIR OWN country, if we say no, tough shit, if we say yes, Welcome!! But if they just turn up here expecting to get yourself paid for and pampered by our crappy benefits system, they can bloody well piss off. March out to end of Brighton Pier and wish them a nice swim.


Just found an article on BBC News, .

I believe that once a program is broadcast it is in the public sector and we can do with it as we wish. For example, I like stargate, I watch episodes I have downloaded as I cannot always watch them on TV, if it has been broadcast the producer can no longer argue how it is used as it is now in the free public domain. Also, if I want to record the program I am watching to watch again at a later date I should be able too. If i wish to sell on this recording for a private profit I should be entitled too as it is available to everyone once it has been broadcast.

its these fat cat bastards in the U.S. that are annoying me trying to control how we use our own property!! Fuckers.

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Just a quick note on london's current bid for 2012 Olympics. I hope we DO NOT get them, the additional agro is just so not worth it. Look at the debt Athens has now due to hosting the games. fucking morons

Christianity's Downfall

I am a fan of the Harry potter series, the books and the movies. I just found this website, According to the Christians behind this me reading the HP books means im going to hell. So, according to their logic, are lots of kids and other adults unless they accept 'GOD' into their hearts.

oh I should probably take this point ot make it known I F**KING HATE religion, Christianity especially. You may argue I have no right to voice my opinion on that because I am not a Christian. Wrong, I am a former roman catholic, I have been on both sides of the fence and the grass is definitely greener on this side, believe me!

anyway, this website, what a waste of perfectly good webspace. I mean imagine if a 10 year old child reads that, they will be scarred for life and me feel scared into becoming part of the biggest brainwashing organisation ever. Also, which would be more likely to send hoe to hell, reading Harry potter, or psychologically tormenting a 10 year old? Seems a pretty easy answer to me.

I believe their own feverent moaning, adamant refusal to accept that other people have beliefs that are actually right and attempted brainwashings will bring them down. Currently religion is at its lowest point ever, fewer and fewer people are turning to religion or accepting their view of events. Thankfully.

I Hate Saturdays

I bloody hate Saturdays. I went shopping today and it was absolutely dreadful. My local shopping centre is usually quite bearable, however on a Saturday every complete moron within a few miles decides to descend upon the place. Its so frustrating. They stop right in front of you as though its the most acceptable thing in the world, they loose all concept of peripheral vision and sometimes they even give me dirty looks when they get in MY way as though it were my fault. It takes all my self-control not to thump every bastard who pisses me off.
however, I have found its not specific to my local shopping centre, it happens everywhere, that's why I feel Saturday should just be a day for relaxing at the pub, not trading evil stares with the local 'punters'.
I get to go LaserQuest today though so that should cheer me up. Mock battles and violence have a way of calming men down, maybe due to testosterone levels, I dunno.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Politics Pt.1

now then, politics, a veritable minefield of posible debates, arguments and screaming matches. i hate politicians so much i am considering becoming one because someone needs to say the things that need saying, and to do the things that need doing as the current government is full of pricks who wouldnt know duty and honour if it bit them on the arse.


I intend to give fair warning to everyone, I have strong political opinions. I am not racist, homophobic or sexist. Some of my opinions may come across as predjudice, some of them probably are but they are my opinions. I do not wish to cause offence to anyone, but if you are offended, tough, its my opinion.



my first post so I wont starting moaning straight away, mess about with the template first. Anyone who reads, thanks.

this is going to be my outlet because no-one listens to the opinion of the people who are affected by the decision they make, or, like a lot of my opinions, nothing to do with me, I just want to bitch about it. Even if its nothing to do with me sometimes I just wanna SCREAM!!!

anyway, post more later