Monday, November 28, 2005


Ok, two things have been niggling at me recently:

First of all, everyone treating George Best like some kind of fucking saint, and 'Oh its such a tragedy'. He was an alocoholic, a drink driver and he battered his wife about. So what if he was a great footballer, that doesnt excuse some of the shit he's done and it sure as fuck doesnt mean elevate him to godhood because he died when it was his own fucking fault! He got many chances, including a whole new liver, something that many people would rightly kill for. Only 2 other people I have spoken to feel the same way, no sympathy for him, sory to his family, but none for him. Call me cold, call me heartless, I dont care. Its the truth no matter which way you look at it.

Second, the gas price bollocks. First of all, why put the prices up? Its not like you can reduce demand, its a bloody essential service. Pople will always need it so putting the prices up is just profiteering the bastards. Now they are being investigated because of the possibility that companies are holding back supplies to increase demand. Who would be surprised if they were?
Anyone remember a time when companies that supplied essential services cared about their customers? Whem making as much profit as possible wasnt the only goal? No, me neither.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Sony Eat Humble Pie

So, Uproar is caused by Sony and its XCP copyright system on some of its CDs. So apart form infringing civil lierties its very very sneaky. Kicks up a big fuss. Then


Microsoft classify it as spyware and give a way to remove it. they finally do us some good. Cheers Bill. No what about every other screw up on Windows?

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Lets Be Blunt

I opened this to have a massive rant last night but i fell asleep, and now ive lost all my steam.

I will try again later.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


My name is Smee and I am a wikiholic. I am addicted to wikipedia. I just cant help it, its full of so much good stuff. Makes me want a new job with the Civil Nuclear Constabulary. I have also read up about my own home and its locality. Its brilliant and I've learnt os much. I recommend it.

In other news, IM BACK BABY!!!!

Didnt realise I had been away for so long but ah well, im sure you all did well without me. So what have i been upto? Well, not alot really, went on holiday, long hours at wrk, Im contemplating certain things and found some new blogs, they have been enrolled. Thats all for now, I will be back in the mornign, im on an early at work. So until then, i bid you goodbye and goodnight.