Saturday, February 19, 2005

I Hate Saturdays

I bloody hate Saturdays. I went shopping today and it was absolutely dreadful. My local shopping centre is usually quite bearable, however on a Saturday every complete moron within a few miles decides to descend upon the place. Its so frustrating. They stop right in front of you as though its the most acceptable thing in the world, they loose all concept of peripheral vision and sometimes they even give me dirty looks when they get in MY way as though it were my fault. It takes all my self-control not to thump every bastard who pisses me off.
however, I have found its not specific to my local shopping centre, it happens everywhere, that's why I feel Saturday should just be a day for relaxing at the pub, not trading evil stares with the local 'punters'.
I get to go LaserQuest today though so that should cheer me up. Mock battles and violence have a way of calming men down, maybe due to testosterone levels, I dunno.