Thursday, April 21, 2005

New Pope

Crap. New pope is a traditionalist conservative. Double crap. As a former catholic myself i was hoping a new, more liberal and open-minded pope would be elected so as to stop the catholic church from continuing to alienate it self and sentence people to death (HIV/AIDS sufferers cant use condoms for fear of provoking god's wrath). The main reason why non-believers such as myself have a hard time getting along with the views of catholics on such things as abortion, contraception etc, is that they are too stiff, they arent flexible enough to survive in today's modern society. Catholics are berating others for saying he is a conservative, retorting that he is only obeying the original teachiongs of the catholic faith, teachings that werew written by some bloke thousands of years ago. They are not relevant in today's society. Also, more often than not Christianity, not just catholics but christianity as a whole, is straying into the world of politics. Religion has no place in politics.

If it wasnt for religion, christianity especially due to its annoying prevolence in the western world, I believe we would have a cure for Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimers Syndrome by way to stem cell research and other such things. I know i've made my views known about this issue in other posts, but there is no harm in reinforcing my point