I feel guilty. I havent posted in ages and now i feel guilty. I feel as thought I am witholding my wisdom from the world and hence they cannot benefit from my thoughts.
I havent posted because there has been nothing of coincidence to blog about. However, there are some current events on which I wish to comment:
Hiroshima - 60 Years On: It was a tragedy that some many people lost their lives, however, many people feel it was a necessary act at the time, just abit, well, alot, over the top. I feel a threat of a nuclear attack would have been enough to stall the war in the Pacific. As echoed by many of my fellow bloggers,
This can never be allowed to happen again. EVER.Iran's Nuclear Programme: So Iran are starting up their uranium enrichment program again with the purpose of using the final product to power their civilian nuclear power station. Let them. Well need all the help we can to reduce the usage of fossil fuels in the current age and this will help. Iran as an Islamic state in the current political climate will never agree to receive the fuel directly from the US/EU. I feel the threat from Iran with their new nuclear capability is minimal. Also, with the West's security poeratives everywhere it will become common knowledge if they sell the fissionable material inherant in the construction of a nuclear bomb and that will cause
LOADS of shit. Just not worth the hassle. Alot of people feel there is a threat to Israel if Iran has nuclear capability. They already have nuclear weapons, so again the M.A.D. threat comes into effect. And plus, Israel should just stop bombing every muslim they can find.
iTunes UK Domain-name legal battle: Let it go mate, it aint yours anymore. You should now by now that the small people never win against big business. They can pay much higher bribes than us. (No implication that Apple or the justice system of Great Britain use bribes in a corruption of justice.) Cough.
Thats all for now. Maybe more later. Meh.