Copyright Theft
A report by 2 University professors has announced that the messgae that downloading copyrighted material is theft is not getting through to the general public. You can read the article from the BBC here. I am not surprised by this. I myself may have downloaded material off the internet that may have been copyrighted but I dont care to be honest. I dont agree with the actuall act of pirating or stealing but once it is on the net it is in the free domain. I'm sure Ive mentioned my views on this before.
They moan so much about how much money the industry is losing and how much it is affecting them. Has anyone seen and effect of this? Any mass lay-offs at MGM or Time Warner? No. Why? Because they are exagerrating. Or, the more low brow option, Complete Bollocks.
They moan so much about how much money the industry is losing and how much it is affecting them. Has anyone seen and effect of this? Any mass lay-offs at MGM or Time Warner? No. Why? Because they are exagerrating. Or, the more low brow option, Complete Bollocks.
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